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A Copywriter and Creative Director based in Sacramento, California

I'm a freelance copywriter, associate creative director and voiceover actor for advertising agencies, businesses and non-profit organizations.

You can find me where there’s an element of story—kind of like my hometown. It’s name is derived from a bloody red pole discovered by French explorers, who then decided the land would be a great place to settle down, make babies and eventually cover said land with oil refineries and strip malls. Maybe not such a bright story, but a story nonetheless.

I graduated from Louisiana State University's Manship School of Mass Communication with a degree in Digital Advertising. During school I worked in the marketing department of a corporate law firm, Kean Miller, and interned with the fleet-footed folks at the Louisiana Marathon. In 2016 I joined MESH Marketing and Advertising as a copywriter and, after two years and even more Tellys, Addys and other dust-collecting shelf decor, was named the agency's Head of Copywriting and Content Strategy. From there I continued to work as a hired pen and associate creative director for small agencies and businesses who lack a way with words.

I led strategic communications as a Digital Marketing Consultant for Natco Food Service to launch their e-commerce service and social media promotions during the emergence of coronavirus. In a relative pivot, I also worked as an Operations Coordinator with a healthcare start-up, Ready Responders, to help navigate the patient encounter experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently I worked as a Content Specialist for Sunpro Solar, a top five solar company in the United States, to attract the interests of homeowners in nineteen states.

Long form, short form, any form, the stories we tell together will result in stories that sell. If there's a niche of advertising, branding and marketing, I'm more than capable of writing about it (and talking about it, too). I rather enjoy the spotlight so I won't be off hiding somewhere in the shadows when it's time to present work to clients.

So, yeah. “A way with words.” If I’m lucky that’ll end up on my tombstone.

Thanks for paying a visit. If I can help or if you simply couldn't get enough, get in touch with me: or